it's going to be okay | Written for the "Body Swap" Challenge.
connie | Team Viking get a little R&R in Honolulu ... or so it seems ....
double digits | A G.I.'s late night thoughts on his DEROS date.
if i die before i wake | Spec4 Ruis has to recover from a near-fatal wound while his buddies worry.
jeeps | Sgt Anderson's intimate evening with Dr. Seymour is interrupted by trouble in Sin City. zeke/jennifer
john wayne and eddie | A little fun R&R lands Lt Goldman and Sgt Anderson in some trouble. zeke/myron
back to business | Myron and Zeke head back to the Crystal Palace. zeke/myron.
love, interrupted | Hot night? Shower! danny/doc
my beautiful vietnam | What it was like for the Vietnamese people the war affected.
perfume | A few stolen moments out in the bush.
p.o.w. | Goldman gets captured and Bravo Squadron have to save him.
promise me | Written for the "kidlet" Challenge.
bring him home | Not without their lieutenant.
through proper channels | Bravo Squadron must deal with an unsavory situation.
i get stuck with 'the friend' | Lieutenants McKay and Goldman have dinner dates with a couple of Red Cross workers. johnny/ofc, myron/ofc
trotter | Alvin Trotter, the FNG you love to hate, manages to save Lt. Goldman and the squad on more than one occasion.
you weren't expecting an american, were you? | Ruiz makes an unexpected friend. ruiz/ofc
seek out his wickedness | You never know what sinister thing will turn up.
goin' down | Check out our Vietnam romance comedy stylings!