a place | Myron enters the delightful teen years.
baker's peace | A response to the "Where Are They Now" Challenge.
a chance to say goodbye | A response to the "Body Swap" Challenge. Takes place after "Under Siege."
charlie's christmas gift | Christmas Day.
chickens | McKay's first day at his new job.
gathering clouds | A response to the "Kidlet" Challenge (Goldman).
a great day | A response to the "Kidlet" Challenge (Griner).
new stetson | A response to the "Kidlet" Challenge (Percell).
painful lesson | Zeke's figuring out his responsibilites.
one sunday morning | Kidfic challenge - baby Johnny. (Story takes place in the late fall of 1950. Johnny is around 6.)
in the mist | Zeke's bothered by nightmares and a new lieutenant.
a moment alone | Above all else, Martin Goldman is a General in the US Army.
off to war | A mother sends her son off to war.
separations | What's up with Myron's odd behaviour?
someone to watch over them | Teenage Zeke must decide what to do with his life.
a time to dance | Goldman and Taylor struggle in the bush without Zeke.
wall of stone | Zeke and his family deal with the past.
welcome home | Johnny McKay finds a new career.